Install protection widget on your themeTo install the widget your theme, follow the same steps as above: 

  1. On the live theme, click Actions > Edit code. 

  1. In the new page, click on the Sections folder. 

  2. In the sections folder, choose the theme file that has code for your checkout option. Depending on the type of checkout option, the file will likely show as: 
  1. Main Cart Page 
    This is a standard checkout option on the main cart page when customers check out. Common files that contain this code are: 
    cart.liquid, cart-template.liquid 

  1. Header Cart 
    This checkout option appears at the top of the page under the cart icon on websites. Common files that contain this code are: 

  1. Modal Cart 
    This checkout option appears in the middle of the screen when a customer adds an item to their cart. Common files that contain this code are: 
    modal-cart.liquid, ajax-cart-template.liquid 

  1. Drawer Cart 
    This checkout option appears on the side of the screen when customers add an item to their cart or clicks on the cart icon. Common files that contain this code are: 
    drawer-cart.liquid, ajax-cart-template.liquid 

  1. The file name can vary. The file names are based on typical examples.  

  2. Insert the following code
    <div class="si-widget"></div> 
    <img style="width: 1px;height: 1px;" onLoad="simplyInsurance.loadApp();" src="" /> 

  1. Click Save at the top right. 
  2. Open the Preview and test the checkout to see widget appears in the designated checkout location.